Thursday, June 4, 2009

Less than 2 weeks.

Here I am, sitting, waiting, wishing. I have nothing really to keep me company, save for my computer and my workouts. The family has decided to make a stop here before we all go on to Atlanta for grandmother's birthday. Everyone is forced to "love" her and it is kind of annoying. Everyone is always "so" happy to see her but they can never spend more than a few days with her. While, my mother and I have to deal with her constantly. She yells, she's mean, she believes that she is entitled to everything. I find myself not being able to tolerate her attitudes for long periods of time. Long being more that 5 minutes or so. I know, it's a problem, but I can't deal with entitlement. 

Anyway, I just want to be on my trip. This is probably one of the better things to happen to me in a while. I get a chance to be out of the country on my own, use my Spanish, and explore the world a little bit more. My father, again, has not contributed any money, or time, to my trip. I have less than two weeks to go until my trip and I cannot wait!