Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser?

How did this saying come about? Yes, I'm older but I don't feel any different that I did last year. In case you noticed, today is my birthday.

I'm not really sure whats so great about the day of your birth, though. I guess I should thank my mother for going through that whole ordeal to birth me and put up with me for this long. Other than that, there's nothing that we really accomplish by being here. The only thing that we can hope to do is to have a small impact on the world and the relationships around us.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where did all of this work come from?

Yesterday, I found out that I have pretty much the most hectic week of my semester so far. My boss wants all my projects to be turned in today by the end of business and what not. (4 separate, semi-detailed projects). Then I've got a test on Friday morning, for which I am not prepared at all. Add to that a test that my professor sprung on the class that is due by Friday night by 5. This one is supposed to be a 5-6 page paper on readings that I have not yet done or finished. Add to that a project for my strategic management class that is due on Thursday by class time and our decisions for our simulation. In addition to preparation for two Relay Meetings and everything else. It's just a LOT of work.

Thinking about it makes me sad.

Have a good day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Something to think about.

"Seven Blunders of the World"

1. Wealth without work

Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

Commerce without morality

Science without humanity

Worship without sacrifice

Politics without principle

—Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, March 1, 2010

Here we are

This is it. This is my life. I feel like a serial dater. I meet someone, I long for their company, I flirt and laugh and what not...then, the date rolls around. After that one date, I find myself grasping for my own space and to never talk to that person ever again. Am I a jerk for not calling? Am I a commitment phoebe? I don't think so. When someone arrives for an important event, 45 minutes late, one tends to get turned off. One can get the feeling that there is no chemistry when two people barely even touch, friendly or otherwise, for an entire night.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

We live, we love, we die.
or is it that "we love, we live, we die"? Does loving someone provide a medium in which we can live! What of those who can not or have not loved? Do they live at all or are they meandering through life in a fog?