Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where did all of this work come from?

Yesterday, I found out that I have pretty much the most hectic week of my semester so far. My boss wants all my projects to be turned in today by the end of business and what not. (4 separate, semi-detailed projects). Then I've got a test on Friday morning, for which I am not prepared at all. Add to that a test that my professor sprung on the class that is due by Friday night by 5. This one is supposed to be a 5-6 page paper on readings that I have not yet done or finished. Add to that a project for my strategic management class that is due on Thursday by class time and our decisions for our simulation. In addition to preparation for two Relay Meetings and everything else. It's just a LOT of work.

Thinking about it makes me sad.

Have a good day.

1 comment:

Malinski said...

I'm sure you will do just fine hun :)