Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I am so frustrated that I just want to yell!! I want to go into a room and scream until my head explodes and my lungs liquify and slide out of my body. I do not deal well with frustration. Especially when I do not have a physical refuge to reside. I have no gym(treadmill), I have no place to climb, I have no one to talk to here. Everything is walking on eggshells. Sadly, my feet are too large to effectively tip-toe through this life.

My stomach is in a knot inside my chest. I can barely breathe. All I want to do is relieve my tension in some healthy way. Or else, this will end poorly. The only problem is that there is no safe place here to relieve that frustration. I am holding myself together with duct tape, trying not to explode.

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