Monday, April 13, 2009


So, it turns out that my life and my problems are just a big joke to people. I have done some less than great stuff in my time. Many of which have been seen by public eyes. Well it turns out that two years later, people still find the need to not only talk about it, but to spread it. I was friends with this girl at the beginning of the year, just friends...nothing more. We would just hang out and chill. Then, shortly into the semester, the train began to roll...(this person told that person, that person told this person...etc) and my friend was told to stay away from me...The worst part is that they did! I didn't even get a "Hey, so I heard you did this two years ago. Is that true?" That I can take. But when people just take what everyone says at full value, then there is no way to escape the past. Little do they know, I worked and worked to gain control over myself. I admit that I was wrong for the action that I took. And I agree that there is no forgetting the issue. But, forgiveness is possible. If not, I will be forever marked a psyco. No good that I do can change the mindset of "people can't change" or "people can't grow". 

I will not be defeated. I stand with my head high while the stones of "redemption" fly. I will walk their miles and take their criticism. For, they do not know that they stand among kings. My time to rise and show the world the greatness inside of me will come. They will stand in awe.

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