Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today was a bad day...

At least, it started off badly. I stayed up late last night preparing for the quiz and oral presentation that I had today. I was prepared. Everything was going to be fine. I had just gotten some bad test news and I was rededicated to learning things. Sadly, this morning, I overslept. Not just partially overslept. I slept through all of my classes this morning, not waking up until 1 o'clock. Well after my classes had ended. Then, after emailing my professors, I went to take a pee and would up locking myself out of my room in nothing more than a white undershirt and boxers. (I'm self-conscious and, going in public in that is very scary for me). After the my roommate graciously offered me some shorts and allowed me to borrow his phone, I walked to the ResLife office across campus to have them charge me 25 dollars so that I could get into my room...

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