Saturday, July 10, 2010


It's the last day of the world cup and I'm finding that I'm kind of sad. I'm finding out now that the end of the world cup means the beginning of my time in China. I am dreadfully afraid of leaving now. I wasn't before but now, things are changing and the looming results of my decision are showing up. I have NO understanding of the culture or the language. I have no money, or place to stay. I also have no friends there. I know that God will provide for me. But putting my trust in Him halfway around the world is proving to be a larger task than I had originally thought. Plus, I've just reconnected with an old friend which has proved to be a fantastic thing for me and my life. My family is moving back to the area where I grew up, the place I love and I've got a couple leads on some good jobs that I think I would be very good at.

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