Monday, July 19, 2010

Well, here I sit. Another day of packing has been completed and it's sad. I just feel like I'm shuffling through my entire life and it's kind of heartbreaking. I should be used to this, this is my 4th move in 4 years not counting . I should have it down to a science, right? It's almost as if my things should already be pre-packed.

I'm not sure why I'm still up and I've lost my original train of thought. But I'm sitting in my bed on my computer watching the commercial for P90X. I know that I really should just be doing it and not only watching the commercial. I know that I could look like these guys and be more flexible if I only tried. I think that I might try Tai Chi while im in Beijing. I hope that it will increase my flexibility and my calm. Of course I hope to still be working out during this year. I will have the digital version of P90X on my computer that I will be able to do. So, really, I could still do it.

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