Friday, October 1, 2010

A New Pledge

I want to be better. I have a goal that I want to run a triathlon. I have never run a triathlon. I have never run a marathon. The most running that I have done in the past 3 months is a collective 10 or 12 miles...maybe. I have not biked in a solid 2 months and I don't even remember if I CAN But THIS is my goal. I look at triathletes and they seem to be some of the most genuinely happy and energetic people (before and after the race) and I think that I can do that.

Honestly, I am not in shape. I have a belly and asthma, I drink and eat too much. But I know that I want to do this. I haven't thought it all the way through...about which race I would like to run or anything. But I would like to be ABLE to do it by the end of this year. My thoughts are, it's a whole year...I'm not really doing anything. I am fully capable of finding a gym or something and running and training.

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