Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Bucket List

1. Attend a major Sporting Event
2. Learn French, Arabic, Chinese, and Sign-language
3. Run a marathon
4. Learn to play classical and jazz piano
5. Skydive
6. Ride a camel in the desert
7. Drink a beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
8. Fall deeply in love - helplessley and unconditionally
9. Read every book on my 100 must read list
10. Write down a personal mission statement, follow it, and revise it periodically
11. Go on a road trip
12. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
13. Learn to juggle 4 balls for more than 4 minutes
14. Spend 3 months getting into optimum shape
15. Drive the Autobahn
16. Grow a garden
17. Ask someone that I've just met out on a date
18. Go up in an air balloon
19. Attend a really huge concert
20. Create and maintain my own website
21. Write in a blog for at least a year
22. Learn to bartend
23. Go on a cruise
24. Write a Novel
25. Go to Walden Pond and read Thoreau while drifting in a canoe
26. Experience weightlessness
27. Learn to say "Hello, how are you" in 40 languages
28. learn to fly
29. Go rockclimbing...for real
30. Go rafting
31. See Victoria Falls
32. Cliff dive
33. Go camping/hiking
34. Participate in New Year's Eve @ Times Square
35. Visit the Acropolis in Greece
36. Visit Big Ben and House of Parliament in London
37. See the Great Wall of China
38. Spend Christmas on a beach, drinking.
39. Take up Photography
40. Be an extra in a movie
41. Spend a week at a 5-star resort
42. Create a trust fund for my kids
43. Have more passive income than expenses
44. Swim with Dolphins
45. Create a Library Collection of Old books
46. Attend a session at the Supreme Court
47. Attend a high-end fashin show
48. Learn Tai Chi
49. See "A Christmas Carol", Live on Broadway
50. Take a 365-Day Challenge
51. Send Mom on a vacation (all expenses paid)
52. Visit all 7 continents
53. Talk less, listen more
54. Live life, seize it, and never give it back
55. send a message in a bottle
56. see a lunar eclipse
57. Write a will
58. Spend a whole day reading a great novel
59. Donate money and put my name on it: bench or scholarship
60. Kiss someone I've just met
61. Be a TV audience member
62. Plant 10 trees
63. Read Shakespeare's Complete works
64. Go on a church mission
65. Weigh less than 210 lbs stripped
66. Read bible from cover to cover
67. Play Clair de Lune on Piano
68. Ride an elephant
69. Learn water ski
70. Explore Coral Reefs of FL
71. Explore the Great Barrier Reef
72. Visit the Taj Mahal
73. Visit Vatican City
74. Visit Eiffel Tower
75. Drink on the Spanish Steps
76. Stay in a hostel
77. Backpack around Europe
78. Skinny dip in the ocean
79. Play violin
80. Become proficient user of a motorcycle
81. learn to surf
82. Become a proficient pistol and rifle user
83. Shoot my own movie
84. Be the boss
85. See the pyramids of Egypt
86. Learn the art of French cooking (gourmet cooking)
87. Throw a party for all of my friends
88. Dissassemble and reassemble a computer
89. Learn guitar
90. Build a Habitat House
91. Become a vegetarian for at least a year
92. Read Aristotle, Dickens, Hemmingway, Conrad, Poe, Whittier, Emerson, Talmage
93. Sail a boat
94. Ride a Gondola in Venice
95. Learn to tapdance
96. Swim with Sharks
97. Visit the Fjords of Norway
98. See the Northern Lights
99. Restore a classic car
100. Be debt free
101. Live healthier/greener

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