Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Downs and Ups

So, the most recent adventure was my day today. It's been a combination of ups and downs. Well actually downs and ups. It started off with me being woken up this morning by my air conditioning unit dripping water on me and my bed. That is one of the most unpleasant ways to wake up - f.y.i. Then, after I got the building manager and tried to explain what happened, I tried to go back to sleep because I was in the middle of this sweet dream where I was a spy. :) I don't remember all of it but I know that part happened. My roommate and I ended up over-sleeping for the plans that we had made with our group which was unfortunate. (Two days prior, we all decided that we hadn't been doing enough during our break and we should finish off the things that we want to do in Beijing so that we can travel during our other breaks. So we planned to go to the Forbidden City, Ming tombs, and the Great wall on Tues, Thurs, and Fri, respectively.) Well we meant to leave by 10 but because of my roommate and I oversleeping, we didn't leave until 11:30. But, it all started going up from there. We ventured out to the ATM to get some cash for our adventure and this song came on my ipod that made me think of someone fantastic. 

The song is "Dreamgirl" by Dave Matthews Band. The first couple of lines were what got me thinking about it because of the China reference. After that it just kept getting better. To get to the Forbidden city we had to be on the subway for about 50 minutes and somehow we all managed to get seats as soon as we got on (that usually does not happen). We then spent about 6 or 7 hours wandering around Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, which was AMAZING. I got so many cool photos. (I've been really getting into the "art of photography" - using juxtaposition, aperture, different lighting and angles to get great pictures - and the colors here in China are just great. I've been using my friends as models for me.) Plus you really feel like you are IN Chinese history when you're walking around where Emperors walked so long ago. It was great to just be able to relax for a bit and take in the sights, sounds, textures, and colors of the City. 

After we left the city, (it closes at 5) we hung out in the square until the guard came out for the flag lowering ceremony. I must say that it is one of the most perfectly timed things that I have ever seen in my life. It was very interesting to watch. 

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