Sunday, September 5, 2010


So, we kind of don’t have anything to do. I would love to update something interesting like, we went to the outskirts of China and saw the massive rice patties or hiked one of the crazy mountains that they have here. Sadly, I cannot. We sit around our apartments all day. Today I did not even wake up until 1:30 PM. I worked out, ran in the park, made some lists, and then listened to music and watched movies. This feels like a monster waste of opportunity, right? Yes, I think so too. I just don’t really know what else to do. I think that we have exhausted our Touristy options and my Mandarin is not sufficient enough yet to venture into the parts of Beijing where they do not speak English. So here I sit, glued to my computer.

I guess I can tell you about my next purchase. I am at a dilemma. My camera has reached its last leg and is falling quickly so I felt like it’s time to replace it with a professional (or semi-professional) camera. The only problem is that I do not know which camera I want to get. I know that I want a Nikon. There are 3 models that I wouldn’t mind having. The D40, D3000, and the D5000. Now, I’m new to the world of DSLR cameras but I have wanted a D40 for about 2.5 years now. This is mainly because all of my friends have had one and I KNOW that they take great photos. It’s what I’m used to. But, this is a time to get out of my comfort zone, is it not? So, the D3000, from what I’ve read, is like the D40 with a couple more bells and whistles and is for those who are not 100% positive on how to use aperture settings and other things of that nature. I, however, am somewhat familiar with the workings of cameras. At any rate, then there is the D5000 which is like the D40’s older, sportier cousin. I say this mainly because it comes with video capabilities and a screen that flips. Whoa now! I know, the screen flips, this makes it better for different angle-shots. New perspectives and what not. The D3000 is cheaper and still a good buy. The D40 is the one I want. However, the D5000 would be a lot of fun. Keep in mind that all of these cameras must be rigorously looked at, as I am in place that is very prone to fake...everything. So, I run into the problem of which would I prefer. Not to mention which can I afford.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the day. I wonder what I’ll think of next.

I’ll leave you with this:

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live” ~ J.K. Rowling

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