Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My take on New Year's Resolutions

We are officially into the new year! Xin nian kuai le to you all. "Things will be better this year", right? That's what we all say after waking from our drunken stupor to greet the new year with a hangover. I know that around this time people are making resolutions to get skinny or stop eating the fast food that they love. Or maybe even to save more in the new year. Well I don't make any of those empty promises to myself. I believe that the "New Year's Resolution", for most of us, is just a half hearted attempt to do what we KNOW is right. Yes, it's true that you're too large and shaving off a couple of pounds wouldn't hurt. Yes, it's true that you spend too much on things that you don't need at all and have no savings to speak of. It also seems that these resolutions to not last through February, sometimes March if they are true believers. :) So no, I do not make New Year's Resolutions. I have goals. These goals are the same goals that I've had all year, because they are long term goals. When I think of more goals, I just add them to the list.
The mindset changes when the word "resolution" disappears. It's stops becoming a once a year thing and turns into a doctrine to live your by. Goals help you become a better person. Resolutions are you trying to change who you are drastically. So instead I say, set your goals. Establish how you can accomplish them. Make sure that YOU are the reason why you want to accomplish them and start chipping away at them. More often than not, our reaching goals is slow process.

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