Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's happened

So, today I've been accepted to the TIP program in Beijing, China.

I'm scared. I found out that I could not sleep. Am I really ready to live for a year in a foreign country? Being away from everyone that I know and love for a whole year is kind of outrageous. I know that this is where God wants me to go and I wanted it too. Now I'm just really nervous. I know that this could, additionally, open up a world of opportunities for me in the ways of careers and things of that nature. Well, I speak NO Mandarin and have heard that the language is very nearly impossible to learn. I know that I tend to have a propensity for languages but I'm just not sure anymore. Should I have just waited and stayed here to find a real job? I have very real concerns none of them having to do with safety. I'll keep you posted about everything.

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