Monday, June 21, 2010

small revelation

So, I've decided today that I'm not listening to anyone else again. They said that I should chill out on the working out, give my muscles a break so they can recover. Okay, A) I know this already and I know how to work out. But, I decided to appease these people and chill out on the workout for a couple of days. Well, now I'm pissed because I went back into the gym today and tried to run my mileage. I could not. I have made it a principle that I never go backwards. If one day during a week I run 3 miles straight in 30 min or under, there is no turning around from that. The problem is that I could not do it. I'm finding that I run every day for my lungs, not for my legs or anything like that. Since I have asthma, running everyday helps to improve my lung function and skipping days negates that and makes it much harder for me to move forward. Lesson learned.

Also, I've found another annoying thing that I love to do, in addition to my addictive use of Q-tips. I find now, that I love to floss. Not the actual feeling of flossing, perse, but the sound that flossing makes. I know that it's kind of strange, but it's me.

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