Friday, June 18, 2010

A movie I've watched

Apologies, I have been terribly wrapped up in the goings on of the World Cup.

I have just watched, for the first time, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I have to say, I nearly cried. It was such a beautiful movie, never mind the oddity that is the actual premise of the movie. The movie's story, for those of you who have not heard of it, is that of a man who lives his life in reverse. He is born in the body of an old man and as time goes on, he grows younger until his death as a baby. He not only experiences things in reverse, but also in a completely different manner than everyone else. His first drink is as a man in his 80's along with his first time with a woman.
It really struck me that a man, even in his circumstances, could find love and make the best of the situations that he is in. Their love was intriguing in that, as one grew old, the other got younger. Two worlds and two lives criss-cross through time. I really enjoyed this movie, though I don't think I could watch it again.

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