Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Okay so here's the deal.

I'm tired. I'm tired of being called "big guy" as in, "Hey there big guy, how ya doing?" or things like it. I'm tired of everything that comes along with being 'larger' than average. I don't want to be a supermodel. I just want to be in shape. Not only for those reasons but I firmly believe that my body is a temple. I want to take care of my body. Eating right, exercising. 1 Corinthians says: "19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." And so I intend to.

What has happened now is that this blog is turning into a running/workout journal. I want to keep track of the progress that I've made. It's not about calories lost or weight lost. It's about distance run and the way that I feel.

So with that in mind, this past week, I have been running. I've been running til my heart felt like it would explode. Mostly about time run and at what pace than about the actual distance. Well, to be honest, it was about distance at first. But it turned into what it is now. At first I was just focused on losing weight and running miles. But that turned into training. Last week I worked my way up to a solid 10 - 13 minute run. at around 5.5 mph. That was admirable for then. I have since discovered that my body can do more if I just ask it to. So this week I have gone to two-a-days and decided to up my tempo. THIS is what has got me frustrated. at the slower tempo, I can run for 18-22 minutes. But coming to this higher tempo of 6.5-7, I cannot. It's terribly frustrating. I don't think that my body is ready for that kind of run just yet. But I will keep pushing because I know that I can do it. Well, the main problem is really my asthma and not my body. This damn disease has limited me in so many situations and I'm ready for it to be gone. I can't really take this anymore.
We'll see how tomorrow goes.

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