Thursday, December 9, 2010

It turns out that my last post was a little sad. I think that I was having a bad day and needed to let it out with a little poetry. I implore you to believe that, although life is very stressful, I am having some of the best times of my life. It is crucial to take life as it comes to you and to keep moving. This is a lesson that I continually struggle with and am working to improve.

China is good. Right now it is bitterly cold and unbearably windy. During our next break, I think that I will travel to some place with a bit more sun and sand. I hope to visit the popular south of China, Hainan. Hainan, is said to have some of the best beaches, in China, and as such, tends to attract many tourists to in clear blue waters during the year. At first, I planned to go to Shanghai with a bunch of co-workers and some friends to ring in the new year together. As it turns out, it is very hard to plan when there are so many strong willed people involved. So, I decided that if I'm not going to that city to enjoy all that they have to offer, that I am going to find my way to a beach somewhere. I will sit in the sand with a book or two and drink beers and margaritas. I will watch the sun come up when I wake and then I will bask in it's glow as it descends below the horizon. I can not wait. I think that it is exactly what I need right now.

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