Monday, May 24, 2010


How much does it take for one person to stop being the way that he has always been and become better? Being back in America, I have fallen back into my old ways. (Driving less than a block away for something, consuming tons of energy for no specific purpose, speeding, and most detrimental, fast food.)
I want to change. I just feel like my environment is a contributing factor to me not changing at all.
I got another speeding ticket yesterday. I felt that I did not deserve this one. The state trooper, however, did not agree. So what am I to do? By the time the court date comes around I hope to have left the country but we'll see how that all comes together.

Stay true to yourself

1 comment:

Malinski said...

I totally agree with you. Was the same for me. As soon as I got back to Sweden, I fell into old habits and became so Swedish again.. :P