Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life List #29: Rock Climbing

Today, I have successfully completed number 29 on my Bucket list: To go rock climbing, for real. It was a good day. I can honestly say that I have been rock climbing (top roping, and bouldering) and I am hooked! It was such a rush, climbing up a rock after falling scores of times. The top roping wasn't something that I was particularly worried about, as I had done some climbing on on some of the tracks. It was more the bouldering that I feared and truly did prove the most difficult for me personally.
Now, after my first session, after blisters and painful fingers, and after sore forearms and an assortment of other muscles, I have made it to the top of my first boulder on two separate paths(called problems). It was such a good feeling to hang on to the top of the boulder, looking down at everyone around and then letting myself drift through the air back to the surface. I live for the summit. The only think that I can think about is when I'm going to go next.

Woot, Number 29, done. And another obsession has been fostered.

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