Tuesday, August 17, 2010



We have landed in Beijing China.

I don’t know what to say, that was a big step for me. As we descended into the city from the air I saw what looked like a giant raincloud situated over the city. I have since come to understand that it is just the massive amount of smog and pollution that blankets the city. We are told that running outside for 30 minutes is the equivalent of smoking an entire pack of cigarettes in America. With that said, I haven’t figured out how I will work out yet. If there is anything that I do not care for about China so far, it is this. The sun cannot even penetrate the thick cover that is the fog.

My first transaction in China was the purchase of a grande Iced Coffee from Starbucks and I think that it went very well. The language is not too difficult if one just sits down and takes the opportunity to learn it. People stare at and are intrigued by me (because I’m black). It doesn’t bother me that much, though. I feel like that’s just one of those things that happens and you just deal.

Surprisingly, their cars are a lot like the ones in America. They are not like the super compact ones that travelers find in Europe and places like that. BMW, Audi, Porsche, and other “high end” cars inhabit the streets in surprising frequency. Although, Chinese greed is about the same as ours and I am told that status is everything.

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