Thursday, August 26, 2010


1 week and a half here has felt like a solid 3 weeks with no breaks. Every day, for us, lasts the length of two. I’ve been having to take more and more time to myself just to stay sane and not be a mean person. It is terribly difficult in such close quarters.
I have had no time to go out into the city of Beijing and explore, to find a gym or rock wall, to find some cool places to hang. Because of all of the extemporaneous sessions, we are tired a lot and tired leads to low productivity and a tense workplace. Since our workplace is also our living place, it makes it that much more complex.

A bunch of us are planning a big trip to the Yunan Province very soon. We are going to go see a bunch of the Chinese countryside. We have been told that that is one of the “must visit” places in China. So, we are going to go!

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