Thursday, August 26, 2010

Teaching and Blackberry Worries

Today was a good day. It was the first real start of work. Everything else up to this has been boring and fairly unnecessary. Today we got to “live life as a student” We went to all of their classes to get kind of a sense of what would be going on. We got to experience the questions that they ask and the electricity of an all English environment. Tomorrow, I am to teach my first class. Keep in mind that I still have no formal or even informal training on how to teach or what to tech. So, this should be fun. I am literally jumping head first into the ocean without knowing how to swim...or even float...even the concept of water is a little foggy.

Tonight, I also tried to unlock my blackberry bold 9000. Now, if you know anything about me, you know that I love my blackberry to death! I brought it with me as a safety blanket. Well one of the people here told me that all I had to do is call America and tell them the story, “that I was in China and not coming back for a while and since they didn’t have service here, they should allow me to get it somehow.” Well, they tried to pick up what I was putting down. But apparently it just wasn’t in the stars. I talked to one lady, very nice, who told me that there was nothing that she could do because of the system, but she would transfer me to RIM and they would handle it. Well, I was transferred to RIM. Sadly, they did not handle it. They told me that they didn’t have the codes and couldn’t give them to me, if they did, without the permission of att. They then proceeded to transfer me back to att who finally told me that there was nothing that they could do. They said this because apparently my phone was made “exclusively” for att and as such, has no unlock code. (this is after asking the manager). So I asked what would happen if I put my international sim card into my American world phone and was told that it would, “ask for an unlock code.” At this point I ::facepalmed:: so hard that I swear that the woman could hear it. After doing all of this over skype with no result, I was terribly frustrated and just want to go to sleep.

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