Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Miscellaneous Thoughts

It’s 6:30 AM here. You might find yourself asking, “why is he awake at 6:30, even though he’s not even working yet?” Well, apparently, the program that we have entered decided sometime along the flight that we were on that we would need to go get a brand new physical/blood work/x-rays. So, we have all had to wake up super early in order to hop on a bus and go to this international hospital where they will tell us that all of our paperwork is useless and we must get new work-ups of everything. for 650 RMB. In case you’re not familiar with the transfer, that’s somewhere in the ballpark of $99. For a bunch of people that came here unprepared to shell out another $100, this is quite steep. A bunch of use heard this and began to freak out most adamantly.
With all of our job training, it’s been hard to go out and experience any of the sites. We’ve mostly been on the campus learning how to “trust each other” ::sigh:: We all decided to jump ship and go out to a pub last night and I must say that we had a very interesting time. Most notable of the times was a bunch of us getting our butts kicked in table soccer by a drunk couple. Now, when I imply that we got demolished at this game, I mean it. We were righteously embarrassed. :) Good times were had.
So, soon we will be off to the International Hospital where they will proceed to poke and prod us for the foreseeable future. Basically, a great start to the beginning of the day. Then we will proceed through sit through another 10 hours of job training and “how to survive in a foreign country”.
My friends and I are slowly adjusting to Beijing life. It is a little different than that which we are accustomed in America. Things don’t happen exactly when you want them to. There has to be an ere of faith that everything will just work itself out. As you know, that’s not really how I operate. I usually need a solid schedule in order to function at maximum efficiency. But, I’m working on it.

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